Sunday, April 28, 2013

Good Engineering Practice (GEP) with Recombinant DNA Molecules

Depending on the localization of hemorrhages divided by epidural (Mezhducherepnymi bones and dura mater), subdural (Mezhdutverdoy and pia mater), subarachnoid (in the space between the arachnoid and the substance of the brain) hemorrhage the ventricles and the substance of the brain. Lnsternoz. Melen poorhouse the first day of life must be distinguished from "zaglochennoy blood" of the mother (during the passage through the birth canal, as well as cracked nipples). In order to restore the content of the most important elements prescribed potassium chloride, calcium gluconate or calcium Panangin (a preparation containing potassium), magnesium sulfate. Lies in early detection and treatment of pathological states of pregnancy and the fetus. Recognition. Treatment. One type of birth trauma poorhouse krovoziliyanie between outer surface of the skull bone and surrounding periosteum. Sometimes the disease is complicated by hydrocephalus or purulent meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord), the latter proceeds with a high fever, convulsions, characteristic posture of the patient, in which the head is thrown back, arms and legs extended, fingers and toes are bent, back straight, in severe poorhouse patient's body arched with reliance only on head and heel (opisthotonus), as well as changes in the cerebrospinal fluid. In the absence of complications kefalogematoma resolves itself in 6-8 weeks and not impact on the child. Prognosis depends on early diagnosis and adequate therapy poorhouse . If necessary, resuscitation, blood products administered, diuretics (to prevent swelling of the brain and lungs, as well as for the excretion of sodium, which in high concentrations in the tissues of delays zhidkst). Prevention. The prognosis for neoslozhennom during haemorrhagic disease of the newborn favorable move it further into other types of hemorrhagic disease are not marked. On Against this background, convulsions may occur. Clinical manifestations are diverse. One of the main symptoms poorhouse intracranial birth trauma. Intracranial hemorrhages are caused by damage to blood vessels brain or a rupture of blood vessels of the dura mater. Symptoms and flow. Treatment is usually not required. Based on data from pregnancy, childbirth, maternal health, fetal maturity, as well as on buy accutane here basis of poorhouse of the study of cerebrospinal fluid a child, retinopathy, ultrasound examination of the brain - ehoeptsefalografii, neurosonography. Liver and spleen were enlarged. At moderate injury loud cry, shaking (tremor), hand and foot may go into convulsions, vybuhayut springs, joints between skull bones diverge, a sign of increasing intracranial pressure. When adrenal insufficiency use their hormone (hydrocortisone). Severe intracranial injury manifested confusion or loss of consciousness, severe general weakness, poorhouse of order generic accutane central nervous system. Symptoms within hours.